Much of the day-to day work of the Chapel is conducted by various committees of volunteers. Currently, the Outreach, Worship and Fellowship Committees meet on a regular basis in person or via email. The Building and Grounds group keep the Chapel property looking great in all seasons.
Outreach Committee
The members of Hedges Chapel are committed to sharing our blessings with the greater community. Outreach expenditures represent about a third of the Chapel budget.
The Outreach Committee recommends annual cash donations to local community non-profit organizations for consideration by the Chapel Council. Currently, donations are being made to:
Back Pack Program (Morgan County)
Berkeley County Meals on Wheels
Bethany House
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College Recovery Coach Certificate Scholarship
Eastern Panhandle Empowerment Center -- (EPEC, formerly Shenandoah Women's Center)
Faith Community Coalition for the Homeless -- (FCCH)
Immanuel's House
Loaves and Fishes (Hedgesville)
Martinsburg Rescue Mission
Morgan County Lions Toys for Tots
Warm the Children
The committee also leads various projects for congregational participation:
Collects school supplies each fall for the students and teachers at Pleasant View Elementary School in nearby Morgan County.
Organizes and distributes Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter food baskets for families in need. Special thanks to Starting Points in Morgan County for its referrals and Martins in Martinsburg for their help and support.
Collects and distributes gifts of clothing for local children through its Christmas Angel project.
Participates in the national Souper Bowl of Caring to collect non-perishable food items for a local food bank.
Routinely collects non-perishable food items for Loaves and Fishes of Hedgesville.
From time to time, the committee engages in a special project of its own. For example, we have collected or purchased gently used apparel and accessories, household items, toiletries, and hygiene items to meet the needs of four local organizations.
Left to Right: Sheila Joy, Laura Powell, Judy Snyder (Committee Chair), Krista O'Brien (Vice Chair), and Vicki Cooper. Not shown: Jo Ann Abell, Natasha Martien, Gayle Remenick, and Donna Watson.
The Outreach Committee in Action
Super Bowl of Caring for Bethany House
Vicki Cooper and Sheila Joy load school supplies for Pleasant View Elementary School.
Patti Ross and Judy Snyder purchased hygiene items for Immanuel's House.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee exists to provide a forum and vehicle for discussing, prioritizing, and initiating the activities of Sunday and special services of the Hedges Chapel. Subcommittees of the Worship Committee Work to:
Schedule the Pastoral Ministers and leaders of services.
Prepare the Sunday bulletin and the membership information directory.
Prepare communion and sanctuary elements.
Collect and prepare prayer requests.
Provide flowers and other service decorations.
Schedule monthly pastoral counseling capability.
Provide for musical support of services.
Develop "Welcoming Sunday" activities.
All are invited to join in Worship Committee work and deliberation.
Back Row Left to Right: Lee Conlon, Peter VanKeeck (Committee Chair)
Front Row: Vicki Cooper, Pat Ketchel, Nancy Page, Sheila Hampton. Pete Mulford
Not shown: Laura Powell, Donna Dean
Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee facilitates the majority of Hedges Chapel social gatherings. Duties include:
Coordinating the hosting of social fellowship after each Sunday or other special services.
Providing guidance to first time hosts.
Keeping the kitchen stocked with utensils, plates, coffee, trash bags, paper towels, beverages and snacks.
Coordinating events such as: Soup and Salad luncheon, Easter breakfast, summer picnic, Mother's and Father's Day luncheons, farewell luncheons, and special birthday or anniversary celebrations.
Left to Right: Laura Powell, Chair; Gayle Remenick, Susan Morris, and Patti Ross.
The Fellowship Committee in Action
The committee always provides a fun and creative approach to their activities.
Chef Lee Conlon, Easter Sunrise Breakfast.
On Sunday, January 5th, 2020 the Chapel celebrated the Collins’ 69th Wedding Anniversary, Evelyn’s 94th Birthday and Henry’s 96th Birthday with a special cake.