Current News and Events
Urgent Prayer Request for Reverend Howard and Family:
Please add them to your personal prayer list​. Details are available on the Special Needs and Concerns page in the Members Section.
Our Next Sunday Service:
​Our speaker for Sunday, September 15, 2024, 11:00 am will be Reverend John Yost. Our Aannual Congregational Meeting will follow the service in the Fellowship Hall. Please plan to join us!
​​​If you are looking for a church home in the area, we encourage you to visit us. You do not have to transfer a membership from your home church to be a member of ours. All are welcome!
​Congregational Meeting:
The Hedges Chapel Annual Congregational Meeting will be held immediately following church service on Sunday, September 15, 2024. In addition to normal reports and Chapel business, there will be an election to fill 3 council seats. If you wish to serve the Lord by being on the council, please contact Dan McCandless to be added to the ballot.
Thanks for your Donations of School Supplies for PVES:
The Outreach Committee packed up and delivered an abundence of school supplies into boxes for delivery to Pleasant View Elementary School this week. These will be given to children whose parents cannot provide them or used to replenish the teachers’ supplies. Thanks to all who continue to respond to the needs of the PVES families that our congregation helps!
Some pictures from Gayle Remenick who chaired the project this year:
Tuesday Bible Study Continues Through September:
​The Tuesday Bible Study facilitated by Doug Hilleboe has resumed on Tuesdays at 11:00, meeting for an hour every week at that time through September. Everyone is welcome and no additional materials are needed just your favorite Bible. Contact Doug for more information.
Covered Dish Sundays Have Resumed:
The Hedges Chapel Fellowship Committee has resumed Covered Dish events on the first Sunday of the month following Chapel worship service. The first was February 4 and a good time was had by all! Delicious food items were provided and there was something for every palate. Thanks to the committee for putting on such an enjoyable fellowship hour. Please plan to join us! You do not have to bring a covered dish to attend. Come and enjoy good fellowship with us.
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Are your special days included on our chapel calendar of events? if not, please send them to us. We don't want to miss anyone!
Past News and Events
Remembering Evelyn and Henry Collins:
The family of Henry and Evelyn Collins held an informal celebration of their lives on July 14 at Hedges Chapel. To see some memories of the pair from Chapel events, see the photo collage here.
Remembering Pastor Glenn Young at our Easter Sunrise Service:
On a beautiful chilly morning, the Easter Sunrise Service and the wonderful brreakfast which followed were bonding experiences. We give thanks for all who were there and all who participated in the song, service, and worship. We are truly blessed!
Thanks to Those Who Filled our Easter Food Baskets:
Once again, the generosity of the community has overwhelmed us! Thanks to you, we have filled our Eastter baskets with lots of healthy fresh produce, a nice ham, dairy products and much more plus great non-perishables for the pantries of 10 families (60 individuals) in need this Easter. With the monetary donations, we were even able to expand our original menu of items. Your response has filled the hearts of the Outreach Committee with joy. Thank you so much!
Chapel Grounds Clean-up:
Thanks to Penny and Kenny Allen and many volunteers, the chapel grounds are in great condition for our Easter services. Larry Morris showed up with his shredder in tow and Dale Hampton with his trailer to haul branches. Sheila Hampton was our photographer. Todd Wilkinson also volunteered his truck to haul branches. Others armed with rakes, chain saws, or leaf blowers were Chris and Valerie Shunney, Dan and Liz Brown, Dan and Marjie McCandless, Walter Lewis, and David Main. Their work took less than two hours!
New Chapel Directory :
The 2024 Hedges Chapel Directory is now available in the Fellowship Hall for those who live in or near The Woods. Copies are being sent to all those who live out of the immediate area. If you wish to receive a copy by mail, please contact the Chapel at hedgeschapelcouncil@gmail.com or leave a message on the Chapel phone 304-754-8258.