Worship Services
Sunday services are held at 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of the month.
Please email any comments and suggestions to Dan McCandless, Council Chair, at dmccandless83@gmail.com.
Schedule of Speakers
October 6 -- Rev. Carl Howard
13 -- Rev. Marion Phillips
20 -- Rev. John Yost
27 -- Mary Gunderson King
November 3 -- Rev. Carl Howard
10 -- Rev. John Yost
17 -- Rev. Penny Gladwell
24 -- Harvey Stenger
December 1 -- Rev. Marion Phillips
8 -- Harvey Stenger
15 -- Rev. John Yost
22 -- Mary Gunderson King
28 -- Rev. Nancy Page
Dates in BOLD are communion Sundays
Pastor on Call:
Bible Study
Tuesday Bible Study:
The Tuesday Bible Study facilitated by Doug Hilleboe has resumed on Tuesdays at 11:00 and will meet for an hour every week at that time through September. Everyone is welcome and no additional materials are needed just your favorite Bible. We will be starting with Galations.