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Sharing Our Blessings this 
Thanksgiving and Christmas  2024

Roasted Turkey

The Hedges Chapel Outreach Committee invites you to join us in sharing our blessings with children and families in need this Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The families we will be helping have been identified by Starting Points from the Pleasant View Elementary School area in nearby Morgan County.  The food will provide a nutritious meal as well as supplies to utilize the leftovers and stock the pantry a bit.


To assist you in your shopping, we are listing items for Thanksgiving and Christmas together. Please donate only these non-perishable items. You may donate Christmas items early; the committee will sort and store them.  


​THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKET ITEMS – due by SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 – Please place your donated, non-perishable food items on the designated table in the Fellowship Hall from 12 – 1 pm on Sunday, November 10, 17 or 24.  To make other arrangements, please contact Judy Snyder at


Mashed Potatoes (large box)

Stuffing/ Dressing (large box or bag)

Cranberry Sauce (can)

Vegetables: (cans) Corn, Green Beans, Diced Tomatoes (low sodium if available)

Mac & Cheese (family size, not individual packets, please)


CHRISTMAS FOOD BASKET ITEMS – due by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 or sooner -- Drop off from 12 – 1 pm on Sunday, December 1, 8, 15 or 22 or by other arrangement with Judy Snyder. 


​Scalloped/ Au gratin Potatoes (large box)

Vegetables: (cans) Corn, Diced Tomatoes (low sodium if available)

Dried black beans or dried navy beans (reg. size bag) 

Mac & Cheese (family size)

Applesauce (large jar)

Sliced Pineapple

Cake Mix and Frosting 


If you would rather make a cash donation for fresh food items, please write “Outreach Food” in the memo section of your check and put it in the collection plate or send it to Hedges Chapel at 668 Mt. Lake Road, Hedgesville, WV 25427.  If it would be easier, you may also give cash to any member of the committee.  For Thanksgiving, cash donations will help offset the cost of turkeys and other fresh food such as sweet potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, apples, pumpkin pies, butter, and rolls which will be purchased by the committee.  At Christmas, we will buy hams and other fresh items such as sweet potatoes, carrots, salad greens, tangerines, eggs, butter, and biscuits.


​Information about the Christmas Angel gifts of clothing for the children of these families is now available.


Thank you for your role in making the holidays a little brighter for families in need!


Outreach Committee:  Jo Ann Abell, Vicki Cooper, Sheila Joy, Natasha Martien, Kris O’Brien, Laura Powell, Gayle Remenick, and Judy Snyder.


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