Archive of Services -- 2024
1/7/24 -- Reverend Carl Howard -- The service was cancelled due to bad weather.
1/14/24 -- Reverend Glenn Young -- Sermon: "Follow Me" -- Scripture reading: John 1: 43--51.
1/21/24 -- Reverend John Cushwa -- Sermon: "Fish for People" -- Scripture reading: Mark 1: 14 - 20.
1/28/24 -- Morning message by Mary Gunderson King -- Scripture reading: Mark 1:14-20
2/4/24 -- Reverend Penny Gladwell -- Sermon: "And He Told Them a Parable" -- Scripture reading: Matthew 25:31-46.
2/11/24 -- Reverend John Yost -- Sermon: “Christ’s Ambassadors" -- Scripture readings: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 and Philippians 3:20.
Ash Wednesday Service: 2/14/24, 6:00 pm, Reverend Glenn Young -- Sermon: "The Journey Continues" -- Scripture reading: Matthew 4:1- 11.
2/18/24 -- Reverend Nancy Page -- Sermon: "What If" -- Scripture reading: Mark 1:9-15.
2/25/24 -- Morning message by Mary Gunderson King -- Scripture reading: Mark 8:31.
3/3/24 -- Reverend Penny Gladwell -- Sermon: "Living Parables" -- Scripture reading: John 2:13-22.
3/10/24 -- Reverend Glenn Young -- Sermon: "How is it Going?" -- Scripture reading: John 14:14-21.
3/17/24 -- Reverend John Cushwa -- Sermon: “The Magnetism of Christ” -- Scripture reading: John 12:20-33.
3/24/24, Palm Sunday -- Reverend John Yost -- Sermon: "A Pre-Easter Psalm of Victory" -- Scripture readings: Mark 11:1-11 & Psalm 118.
3/28/24, Maundy Thursday -- Revered Nancy Page.
3/31/24, Easter Sunrise -- Reverend Glenn Young.
3/31/24, Easter Sunday -- Reverend Carl Howard -- Sermon: "“Risen Indeed” -- Scripture reading: “Resurrection Morning,” a choral reading based on John 20:1-18.
4/7/24 -- Reverend Penny Gladwell -- Sermon: "The Old Story is Good News" -- Scripture reading: 1 John 1:1 – 2:5.
4/14/24 -- Reverend Nancy Page -- Sermon: "Mornings with God" -- Scripture readings: Psalm 5:3, Psalm 90:14, Psalm 143:8 and Mark 1:35.
4/21/24 -- Reverend John R. Yost -- Sermon: "Evidence of Resurrection" -- Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58.
4/28/24 -- Morning message by Mary Gunderson King -- Scripture reading: John 10:1-18.
5/5/24 -- Morning message by Peter VanKleeck -- Scripture reading: Matthew 7:24-27. Reverend Carl Howard -- Infant baptism and celebration of communion.
5/12/24 -- Reverend Nancy Page -- Sermon: "No Greater Love" -- Scripture readings: Proverbs 23:22-25, Proverbs 31: 10-12, 28-30, and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
5/19/24 -- Reverend John Cushwa -- Sermon: "The Engine that Powers the Church" -- Scripture reading: Acts 2: 1-21.
5/26/24 -- Reverend John Yost -- Sermon: “Playing Hide & Seek with God” -- Scripture reading: Genesis 3:6-13.
6/2/24 -- Reverend Penny Gladwell -- Sermon: "Living Sabbath" -- Scripture readings: Deuteronomy 5:12-15 and Mark 2:23 to 3:6.
6/9/24 -- Reverend John Yost -- Sermon: “It Used to Be . . ." -- Scripture reading: Acts 2: 41-47.
6/16/24 -- Mary Gunderson King -- Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13 to 5:1.
6/23/24 -- Reverend Marion Phillips -- Sermon: "They Played Craps at Calvary" -- Scripture reading: John 19:23-27.
6/30/24 -- Peter VanKleek -- Morning message: "The Samaritan Woman at the Well" -- Scripture reading: John 4:5-30.
7/7/24 -- Reverend Penny Gladwell -- Sermon: "Becoming Like God" -- Scripture reading: John 6:51-58.
7/14/24 -- Reverend John Cushwa -- Sermon: "A Good Word for Bad Times" -- Scripture reading: Mark 6:14-29.
7/21/24 -- Reverend Nancy Page -- Sermon: "Let's Take a Boat Ride" -- Scripture reading: Mark 4:35-41.
7/28/24 -- Reverend John Yost -- Sermon: "​A Cup of Cold Water" -- Scripture reading: Matthew 10:42 and other scriptures.
8/4/24 -- Reverend Carl Howard -- Sermon: “Our Daily Bread" -- Scripture readings: Psalm 25: 1-9 and Matthew 21:23-32.
8/11/24 -- Reverend Penny Gladwell -- Sermon: “PBPGINFWMY" -- Scripture reading: John 11:32 - 44. (Please be patient. God is not finished with me yet.)
8/18/24 -- Reverend John Yost -- Sermon: ​"Engraved on God''s Hands" -- Scripture reading: Isaiah 49:15-16.
8/25/24 -- Reverend Nancy Page --Sermon: ​"Happy In Jesus" -- Scripture reading: Matthew 5:3-12.
9/1/24 -- Reverend Marion Phillips -- Sermon: ​"God's Grace in Action" -- Scripture reading: 2 Samuel 9:1-13.
9/8/24, -- Reverend Penny Gladwell -- Sermon: ​"The Sighing Savior" -- Scripture reading: Mark 7:24-37.